• Omar Cila, electrician for Durkans. Finalist in the Young Builder of the year awards 2010.

    Nominations for the 2024 Young Builder of the Year Awards are now open!

  • 2023 Young Builder of the Year Awards

    Bhrane Hagos 19-24 Category

  • 2023 Young Builder of the Year Awards

    Andrei Avasiloaie Winner 14-18 Category

  • Sponsors and Patrons Reception

    The 2024 Reception will be held in the River Room, House of Lords on the 26th March.

  • 2024 Building Pathways Event

    Join us on the 6th June 2024 to harness industry best practice.

Youthbuild UK

For over two decades, we have dedicated ourselves to supporting disadvantaged young people and collaborating with employers and organisations within the construction industry. Our aim is to promote excellence and share best practices, while also recognising and celebrating the achievements of these young individuals at our prestigious annual awards ceremony.

Through this recognition, we aim to inspire a new generation, instil hope, and build a stronger foundation for their futures.

What we do

Discover how we change young people’s lives

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Building Pathways Event 2024

Our Building Pathways events bring together experts from the construction, charity, and training sectors to share their experiences.

Our next event is on the 6th of June 2024.

Celebrating Achievement

From child refugee to Young Builder of the Year.

Young Builder of the Year Awards

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We couldn’t do our work without the support of our Sponsors and Patrons.