Ricky’s Story

Against a backdrop of challenges, Ricky's life took a decisive turn when he was shortlisted for the YouthBuild UK Young Builder of the Year Awards at the age of 18.

Early challenges and a turning point

Caught in a cycle of trouble and instability, Ricky was concerned about the future until the YouthBuild UK awards gave him the support he desperately needed. Winning at the award not only acknowledged his potential but also provided him with the crucial resources to embark on a new path.

Investing in a future in construction

The awards ceremony was more than a moment of recognition for Ricky; it was the catalyst for his career in construction. The prize money from the YouthBuild UK Awards was invested in purchasing essential tools and contributing towards a van. This investment was not merely in equipment but in Ricky’s independence and ability to pursue his career goals with dedication and mobility.

Building skills and professional growth

Armed with the right tools and a means of transport, Ricky pursued a six-month college course that solidified his foundation in construction. This led to a pivotal 12-month on-site training in Pimlico, London, where Ricky applied his bricklaying skills to significant projects and further honing his craft.

Launching a new enterprise

Two decades after his pivotal win at the YouthBuild UK awards, Ricky established his own construction company, R Clare Brickwork, a culmination of years of hard work, learning, and ambition. This enterprise is Ricky’s way of paying for the opportunity he received, aiming to create a supportive environment for others to grow and succeed in the industry.

The enduring impact of YouthBuild UK

Reflecting on his journey, Ricky credits the YouthBuild UK awards not just for the financial support but for the belief in his potential that spurred his transformation. The awards were a lifeline, providing him with the means to forge a path filled with opportunity, success, and the ability to contribute positively to society.

Ricky’s story, from uncertainty to owning his own construction company, illustrates the profound impact that thoughtful support and investment can have on an individual’s life. It underscores the significance of organisations like YouthBuild UK in transforming potential into success.


Brhane’s Story


Lola’s Story